Weekly Writing Prompt — March 23, 2011 Edition

Greetings Writers!

*First order of business…say this out loud three times:  I AM A WRITER.

Did you say it?


Now Believe it. Do it. Live it.

**Today’s prompt to kick your muse in high gear is about strategy.  Whether it’s the strategy you have to make writing a priority in your life, or the strategy of a business person’s plan, or the strategy of a sport’s coach…it evades all our lives and is something for which we must take note.

What strategies do your characters employ to get what they want? Is there a strategy by some other character is tactically implementing to prevent your MC from getting it? What’s your strategy for telling that story? For the poets, can you dissect the word:  strategy (and not strategery…that isn’t a word, sorry folks)? Investigate what it means to be strategic, to apply a strategy. Does nature have a strategy. Ask yourself, write the answers as you see it.

Think. Strategize. Write.

***Feel free to bring whatever you compose based upon this prompt to share at our next work session, which is this Sunday, March 27 at 3 p.m. at the North Bend Library. Please RSVP with me by Friday night so I can plan accordingly. Topic is going to be discovering and examining theme in our work. Hope to see a record crowd this week!

****We are still looking for a volunteer who resides further “north” in the valley to organize at least a bi-monthly Writers Cafe in the Fall City/Carnation/Duvall area. If you’re interested in doing something like this, which provides important creative time for our northern valley members, please Email me. I will answer any questions you may have and assist in any way possible.

*****There are several community event opportunities that need volunteers and project managers. Those interested in spearheading a) Writing Contest b) Word Jazz and c) Festival at Mount Si Arts Festival, please email me with your desired volunteer level. I do tend to have more soldiers than generals in these call outs. I would love to see some generals step up. There are some highly capable and energetic people in our dear SnoValley Writes! membership; don’t be shy. The learning potential and networking with the larger arts community abound within these opportunities.

******And now your moment of Writing Zen:

“You must write for children the same way you write for adults, only better”  Maxim Gorky

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron

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