Weekly Writing Prompt — Sept. 19, 2012 Edition

It’s National Talk Like A Pirate Day!

So, mateys….
No, no, I won’t put you through an entire prompt of pirate talk. Although, I know a few of you would like that.
However, I will say, if you’re not doing your morning pages, I ought to have you all swab the decks or throw you in the cabin with the captain’s daughter….
Sunday is our first workshop back after out Summer Sabbatical. We’re at the North Bend Library Meeting Room, 3 p.m. Please RSVP if you will attend. Also, if there’s some burning question/topic you want to discuss, please let me know today, so I can work it into the lesson plan. Bring a notebook & pen or your laptop. If you have things to brag about writing-wise, be sure to be prepared to share!
So today we continue with our working together on The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.
I will give you five of the 10 tasks she has planned out for you in this chapter six.
1.  Natural Abundance:  Find five pretty or interesting rocks. I enjoy this exercise particularly because rocks can be carried in pockets, fingered in business meetings. They can be small, constant reminders of our creative consciousness.

2.  Natural Abundance:  Pick five flowers or leaves. You may want to press these between wax papaer and save them in a book. If you did this in kindergarten, that’s fine. Some of the best creative play is done there. Let yourself do it again.

3.  Clearing:  Throw out or giveaway five ratty pieces of clothing (my note:  if they’re ratty — toss them, don’t donate them; if they are gently worn, then definitely donate them!)
4.  Creation:  Bake something. (If you have a sugar problem, make a fruit salad) Creativity does not have to always involve capital-A art. Very often, the act of cooking something can help you cook something up in another creative mode. When I am stymied as a writer, I make soups and pies.

5.  Communication:  Send postcards to five friends. This is not a goody-two-shoes exercise. Send to people you would love to hear from. 

And now for your moment of Writing Zen:
“As an artist, it is central to be unsatisfied! This isn’t greed, though it might be appetite.” ~Lawrence Calcagno

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron