Weekly Writing Prompt — Jan. 21, 2015 Edition

Greetings Writers:
Today I want to remind you about snap writing — about carrying a small notebook and pen with you wherever you go to write at any moment you can.Waiting at the bus stop? Riding the bus? Stuck in the doctor’s office? In between meetings? On a lunch break? The answer is writing — snap writing. Doesn’t matter if it’s for two minutes or twenty. Just get it down. Try a poem. Keep working on your novel. Write a flash fiction short story. Anything. Everything. In a snap you could have 100 words. Those moments of snap quickly add up to 1,000 words.
What snap writing could you do today? Get that notebook and pen ready!
Also, need an artist’s date or literary field trip? One of our own is having an event:   Rachel Barnard’s audiobook for At One’s Beast just went live and she’s going to have a party to celebrate! It will be January 22nd (also her birthday) from 6 to 8 PM at St. James Espresso in Kirkland. For more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/719396628129454
This is a more open party as she will also be celebrating her 25th birthday and her love of reading and cake.  She invites you all to join her.
Now get writing! But, first your moment of Writing Zen:
“The impatient idealist says: ‘Give me a place to stand and I shall move the earth.’ But such a place does not exist. We all have to stand on the earth itself and go with her at her pace.” ~ Chinua Achebe

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron