Better Late Than Never — Sept. 9, 2011 Weekly Writing Prompt

Valley Writers:

We are a day away from the deadline for both our writing contest as well as the deadline for writers within the ranks of SnoValley Writes! to submit something for Word Jazz. September 10 is the deadline. I have only 5 writers who have committed (yes we lost one this week due to scheduling issues, and it looks like I’ll be doing the Audience Participation part and not reading). So, Word Jazz needs 4 more writers. Please if you think you’re part of that five — confirm with me NOW (even if you had before), because I’m hearing rumblings that people say they are involved, but _I_ have not been made aware. Also, I only have five folks who have confirmed via Email and sent me at least a draft of their work. 

I need at least 9 to move forward with this event. We wanted some folks who hadn’t participated in this before to participate. It can’t always be the same folks. If I don’t have confirmation by Sunday of 9 people, I’m going to reschedule the event — which is not optimal; but, I would rather do something with more energy in March than half-assed in September, and I’m sure our sponsors and hosts would prefer that as well. If we have to reschedule, the failure is clearly on my shoulders. However, together we can make this work. 
Our regular work session is Sunday, Sept. 11. at 3 p.m. Please confirm with me if you plan to attend. I already have one confirmation from a newly interested writer, Kelsea Schmidt. Please plan to attend and welcome her to our fold. RSVP’ing really lets me know how many I have and what direction to send our work session.
We still need a treasurer for our Board of Directors. Takers? Anyone? Buehler? 
It’s clear SnoValley Writes is going through some growing pains. I’m hoping some renewed energy will help us fall back into a positive growth pattern. 
And now your moment of Writing Zen:  “The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.” ~ Shakti Gawain. 
What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink, 
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces 
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron

Weekly Writing Prompt — Aug. 31, 2011 Edition

The day is not yet over. I can sneak it in still as a mid-week news round-up.

Your prompt is to work on whichever “three” prompt you have and get it in to me for Word Jazz before Sept. 10.
Not interested in Word Jazz? Like to work behind the scenes more? Then take a look here: We are in need of content providers. No compensation save beefing up your portfolio or perhaps having your voice heard. Won’t you please think about submitting an editorial piece, feature on a favorite person or place in the valley, a review of a restaurant or other service provider, or even photos if you have them.
And now for your moment of Writing Zen:  “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.”  Les Brown
Happy Labor Day.

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron


Weekly Writing Prompt — Aug. 25, 2011 Edition


Back to school craziness, back-to-back appointments and getting slammed by some summer bug, means I’m late for your weekly writerly goodness bulletin.

To keep me straight, items of information will be numbered. Bear with me, please.

1.  SnoValley Writes Inaugural Annual Social Potluck — Sunday (Aug. 28) at the Eagles’ Hall in Snoqualmie (8200 Railroad Ave), 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Please bring a dish to share. Not sure what to bring, double check with Sheri Kennedy to see what’s already being brought. (Sheri is a busy lady, but her email is above and she’s being gracious enough to just keep track of who’s bringing what so you all don’t end up with 16 macaroni salads. I find myself having to be in three places at once that day. I’m going to try to arrive before it ends, but no promises.) If you have something to brag about, a book you’ve self-published, art you want to show off, a poem to share — bring it. This is very informal and is all about getting to know your fellow writers better. No pressure. Remember you can bring your significant other, family, a friend who wants to check us out before a work session. The more the merrier! And thanks to the Eagles for being our gracious hosts.

2.  We are just under a month away from Word Jazz. Thanks to those who already have fulfilled the slots for Musician, Sign Designer/Poster, Event Photographer and Master of Ceremonies.

What we still need to make this a real BIG shindig:

Audience Participation Team: Each time we do this, we like to incorporate an audience-participation event. We need two people to plan, plot and perform this event. This is lots of fun and doesn’t have to be anything silly, just something that focuses people on creativity and writing.
Pieces:  I have three people who have said they want to participate and have given me rough drafts of pieces.  Even if your piece isn’t done but you know you want to participate, please let me know. I have 6 slots left. Please polish your “three” prompts and send them to me for review and consideration. We are going to have three sets of three readers this time around, to allow for more audience participation and promotion of the group, etc. Please submit. Deadline is Sept. 10.

Advertisement: I need each and everyone of you to advertise the writing contest. There is only a few weeks left on that. Info on it can be found here:
Also need:
POWER POINT GURU: This person will be in charge of putting together a power point (basically a title and photo slide show — I can share with you via thumb drive if you need to know what that is) that runs on the big screens in Boxley’s on the main stage and in the bar.  Writers be thinking of photos you want to go with your pieces. At least one image is recommended, but you may have more…like say *cough * …three?
3.  Weekly prompt: Last “three” theme of the series. If you don’t get it done this week — you could miss out on all the fun.  Without further ado:  Three circles, three stones and three chairs must appear in this piece. No more than 1,500 words. A poem, a song, a story, a one-act play. Put three times the effort into any of the other writing you’ve done recently.
4.  Your moment of Writing Zen:  “Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything.” Eugene Delacroix.

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron


Weekly Writing Prompt — Aug. 17, 2011 Edition


Our next working session would have been Aug. 28th. But the Library has their annual book sale going on, so we normally do not meet. However one of our members has secured the Eagles hall (they have a cozy dining area and kitchen at our disposal) on that afternoon (Sunday, Aug. 28) for us to meet, write and Potluck! I need to know By FRIDAY (Aug. 19) if folks are serious in their interest to attend this event. (3 to 5 p.m.). (Note:  I personally will not be attending. I have to be in Seattle for one of the very last classes I have before being awarded my degree.) But others really wanted to do the potluck and we have an opportunity to make it happen. So, check your calendars now. Chat with significant others. And let me know. Yes, go do that now. This will be an open event that you can bring spouses and other family members. This is about writing, but it’s also about getting to know our fellow members. Are you coming? Check yes or no and let Casz know. If we only have marginal intention, I will let the Eagles know they can free up the space. Take advantage of this opportunity. It can only make us and your writing stronger.

If you haven’t checked out the rough draft from our writing demonstration for the Festival At Mount Si, you can find it here:
Thanks again to those who participated. Do note we will be editing soon, so stay tuned for information on that. For now, however, we are focused fully on Word Jazz. September 27th at Boxley’s.
What SnoValley Writes! needs for Word Jazz:
Musicians! Specifically a piano player. Feedback we received last time from our gracious hosts is that they would like to see us use the piano at during our next Word Jazz. Anyone have a talented sibling, child, spouse, friend? Who would like to play the piano as background music for our literary artists? Let me know, asap.
Sign Designer / Poster: We need someone to design the flyer, print it and begin hanging it up around town. Most of the groundwork for this is already laid out, you just need to update it for this year’s theme (Three is the Magic Number) and date and time. Let me know. We need to get this out right away.
Photographer: Need someone to step up to play official photographer the evening of the event.
Master of Ceremonies: This person would be our face to the world. Doesn’t mean you can’t still read your piece, but you would be the glue to hold the program together.
Audience Participation Team: Each time we do this, we like to incorporate an audience-participation event. We need two people to plan, plot and perform this event. This is lots of fun and doesn’t have to be anything silly, just something that focuses people on creativity and writing.
Pieces:  I have ZERO pieces that have been submitted for reading. Please polish your “three” prompts and send them to me for review and consideration. We are going to have three sets of three readers this time around, to allow for more audience participation and promotion of the group, etc. Please submit. Deadline is Sept. 10.
Advertisement: I need each and everyone of you to advertise the writing contest. There is only a few weeks left on that. Info on it can be found here:
Today’s writing prompt:
Polish up your “three” pieces. Don’t have one done yet? Check out the Web site here for a list of prompts.
Our members are starting to get really engaged in their writing and seeking out as much information about the literary and artistic world. Here are a few things they have shared with me recently, that I thought you all might be interested in as well:
Opportunities for all artists:
How to be a faster writer: (I think after this weekend, many of us, myself included, could use some tips from this)
Remember:  Group field trip is Friday, Sept. 2nd to First Friday and to see the premiere of SnoValley Writes! member Kathy Hogan’s highlighted exhibit. Mark your calendars now and we’ll likely carpool from the North Bend Library (those folks further west or north, let me know if you want to host a carpool, too). I have room for six in my Green Mean ‘Ploder Machine. I’ll be at the North Bend Library at 5:15 p.m. and leaving at 5:30 p.m. for Issaquah. After the Art Walk, we’ll grab a quick beverage and snack at a local place (TBD) and come back to North Bend around 9:30 p.m.
And now your moment of Writing Zen:
“What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.” ~Shakti Gawain

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron


Weekly Writing Prompt — Aug. 10, 2011 Edition


Can you feel the energy? Wow! Our group is really humming! Three of our members got positive responses from agents and/or editors at the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference. Congratulations, Steve Matlock, David Moore and Takako Wright! We look forward to you sharing with us all you learned and to hear your experiences at our next work session on Sept. 11.
Also, one of our members other artistic endeavors his being featured coming up next month. Kathy Hogan will be featured in an Issaquah Art Gallery. Congratulations Kathy. I hope all of you can maybe come out for the opening night event (Friday, Sept. 2 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.) More information on that later as it may become a “field trip” for the group.
Way to go. As I said to so many of you in the very beginning, you get out of this group what you put into it. Steve, David, Takako and Kathy have showed what fruits can be produced from working hard at your passion. So, take a page from their play book and keep working hard. It does pay off.
Just a reminder that there are no work sessions this month. This weekend we are participating in Write Now! Unfortunately, Nancee Johnson’s must bow out due to a family emergency. Our thoughts and prayers are with her. But if any of you were kicking yourself for not being involved in this fun, we have a spot available Sunday morning from 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Your place will be laying the ground work for “The End” so it is a very important role. Won’t you please consider? Attached is our schedule as it is right now, so you can see that some folks are already scheduled twice. Would love to have some other energies and talent to pull from for this event. Let me know ASAP if you can pitch-hit.
Our work session later in the month is cancelled due to the Friends of the North Bend Library’s annual book sale. Do take some time and support them, because without the library’s support via their space, we may not be as strong a group as we are.
This fundraiser for the group is a big source for the Library, so SnoValley Writes! wholeheartedly encourages folks to partake in it.
Still looking also for someone to organize an impromptu pot-luck on Aug. 28, during the time we would have normally had our work session (3 to 5 p.m.). Nothing fancy, just some place we can meet and greet to share some food and beverages and chat about the craft we love so much — writing, and get to know each other better. Let me know if you’d like to do that.
Prompt today is one of the last towards our Word Jazz event:  Three politicians vy for one position. Each one of their partners has the means to end their political career. Write a scene of no more than 1500 words surrounding that theme. Write a poem of the politicization of three if you’re so inspired. A one-act play perhaps?
Moment of Writing Zen for the week:
As soon as we lay our hand on the pen, or the computer keyboard, we cease to be the
helpless victims of whatever it was that enslaved and diminished us before we began to
write. Not the slaves of our predicament nor of our private anxieties; not of the “official
narrative” of our country, nor of fate itself. We write. The world is not closing in on us.
–David Grossman, “Writing in the Dark”

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron


Weekly Writing Prompt — Aug. 3, 2011 Edition

Ten days from now we will, as a group, sit down to write a collective story — LIVE! In front of the community that has whole-heartedly embraced us. Our Write Now! event is being highly anticipated. It’s very exciting.

Unfortunately, it is a mighty few who will be doing it. Although awesome by its own right, there are several voices that should be a part of this that are not. This makes me so disappointed. I believe in each and every one of you. Won’t you believe in yourself? Won’t you dedicate a few hours to the art that is deep within your soul and come out and write for a few hours? Add your individual voice and style to the project. If you don’t believe it can be done, I turn you to Hotel Angeline. 36 authors wrote this one amazing book. So we can easily do the same.
Specifically SnoValley Writes! needs participants for Write Now! at these times:
Friday, Aug. 12 from 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday 4:45 to 7 p.m.
Sunday 1:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Three shifts folks. Three writers who are bound for greatness is all that is needed!
Your prompt today is to take a chance. Take a chance and join in for the fun and focusing on your art for next weekend. The message from the group at large — and individually from myself — is your writing “someday” is today. There is no time like the present. Your voice will not be heard if you dont’ take a chance.
I wouldn’t want to imagine our world without the likes of Dr. Seuss. I think the world — even just our valley here — deserves a chance to see/hear/read your words.
Also regarding taking a chance, the SnoValley Writes! board is looking to replace the great gap left by the departing treasurer, April LaLande. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll answer all your questions regarding what a great opportunity this is.
And now your moment of Writing Zen:
“Perseverance is a great element of success. If you knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.”

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron


Weekly Writing Prompt — July 27, 2011 Edition

You’re a writer, yes? At some point, moment, you decided it defined you. You joined this group/listserv.
Now is the time to show the world that you are. Share your art. Share your imagination and words.
Be a part of Write Now! The weekend of the Festival at Mount Si. I still need five more writers to join our group. To those who wanted, but can’t because of work or prior commitments, I commend your spirit and hopefully you can join us for Word Jazz in September. We especially need folks for the later afternoon/early evening on Saturday. Wanting to dip your toes in the water, but feeling nervous? We also need help with set up and take down. Feel free to volunteer for that and see what it’s all about. Keep in mind the piece we author will be edited and published.

Also, both plan A and plan B for a presentation projector (the kind that hooks to a laptop) fell through and we’re on the hunt to “borrow” one for the weekend. If you personally have one you could lend us or are part of a group that could lend us one, please know we will take great care of it and  will be deeply appreciative of your generosity.

Those who are participating — you need to do your photo and bio and send it to me. In fact, as a writer you should have a photo you can stand and have a short, 3 to 4-line bio that can be published along with your photo. Talk about your strengths as an artist, your challenges with a dash of humor and make people interested to know you and your work better. Need some examples? Pick up your favorite author’s book and check out what they have.

So that’s your prompt for today — write your writing bio.

Lastly, don’t forget Word Jazz is coming up September 27. I need volunteers for that as well. If we don’t pull it together soon, we will be cancelling it until the spring.
Have a great writing day! Can’t wait to see those bios and agreements to be a part of Write Now!

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron


Weekly Writing Prompt — July 20, 2011


So many of you are missing a great opportunity. Truly, it makes me sad to think that so many of you are not challenging yourself or showing off your talent and participating in Write Now! There are just six slots left to fill. Six of you who can aspire and inspire by participating in our collective story authoring during the Festival at Mount Si, Aug. 12-14. What a great way to get involved in your community, showcase your art, and have a great time! Please let me know if you want to be a part of this story and future published book. Don’t be afraid. Commit today! Just two hours and :15 is all you need to be a part of this. Contact me today.


This Sunday (July 24) is the next work session. We have a guest moderator, our own, Linda Garcia, who has graciously stepped forward to substitute while I must be out of town. Linda and I designed a great work session together and you will learn and have fun. Please RSVP your attendance, so Linda can plan accordingly. I appreciate your support of Linda’s efforts. Bring some piece of writing to work on. 3 p.m. at the North Bend Library.


The color of life.

This week’s prompt is inspired, in part, by our beloved April’s move. Because life happens sometimes at warp speed, we miss the colors, or we have to use colors to coordinate our life.

Pick three colors and weave them into a narrative, a poem, an epic scene.

No more than 1,500 words if you’re hoping to feature it on the Sept. 27th SnoValley Writes! Word Jazz.


We are still looking for a person to step forward to be our treasurer on the board. We would prefer a two-year commitment; but, we will consider a one-year commitment. Please send a note to me if you’re interested or have questions. This organization is doing great things for the community of literary artists here and will do even more for the entire community as our strength grows. Be a part of it.


And now your moment of Writing Zen:

“I merely took the energy it takes to put and wrote some blues.” ~Duke Ellington


It’s also that time in the quarter where I ask the mailing list if they would continue to like to be a part of this weekly email. If you want to be removed from our list, please respond with “please remove.” Do know that at a later time, if you decide to make writing a priority in your life, we will be here, waiting for your return. Give yourself permission to pursue your craft and passion. Be a part of SnoValley Writes!

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron



Weekly Writing Prompt — July 13, 2011 Edition

Sorry for the delay. We’ve had a Comcastic! day here without internet service. X|

Because I had to cancel the work session on Sunday (due to illness), I wanted to touch on dialogue a bit for the prompt.
Pick your favorite creature (real or otherwise) Then multiply by three. Have them talk to one another. Create a scene for dialogue.
Things to remember in your dialogue:
“…keep in mind the fact that character dialogue can serve to do more than just express in a straightforward manner what your characters are thinking and doing. Dialogue is full of mysteries (that which nobody knows), secrets (that which one character knows), and lies (that which one character knows and that other characters thinks he or she knows). The best way I’ve found to integrate this into dialogue in my own stories is simply to keep it in mind. Make sure that on every page with dialogue, someone is lying, or keeping a secret, or verbally expressing (or finally resolving) a mystery of some sort.” (From “Starve Better – Surviving the Endless Horror of the Writing Life” by Nick Mamatas)
So make sure in this scene you have a secret, a lie and a mystery.
Go write. No more than 1500 words. Remember we’re all prepping for our Word Jazz in September.
We still need more authors to step up to the Write Now! plate. We have 7 slots left. So, don’t miss out on this epic writing adventure. Please email me and CC Sheri Kennedy with your availability.
Don’t forget we bid farewell to April LaLande,  one of our first members, a founding board member and all-around great literary supporter, at the North Bend Bar and Grill Monday night (July 18) at 6:30 p.m. We’ll be taking over the general area of Table #13 in the Pub.
Warning:  Stay away from Meadowbrook Farm area this weekend if at all — they are expecting up to 30,000 people in our little valley this weekend for the Warrior Dash. Unless of course, you like pressin’ the flesh and watching people fly through the mud. Just be aware, traffic tie ups are expected. Remember your alternate ways around our valley that doesn’t include Boalch Avenue or even 202 from the NB Bridge to Meadowbrook (by the Milk Barn).
And now your moment of Writing Zen:
“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose.” ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron


Weekly Writing Prompt — July 6, 2011 Edition

First off, my fellow writers, I have to say that I personally cannot attend 1st Thursday Field Trip. My son is very ill with an acute case of bacterial pneumonia and I have to stay close to him. But I encourage all of you to go. I know that Vicky really wanted to go, so perhaps contact her if you want to carpool and make it a great day/evening. Stay tuned for more opportunities for artistic field trips. Feed your creativity. Get inspired. It’s all a part of being a writer.


Our next work session is this Sunday, July 10. We will be concentrating on making dialogue great and moving the story forward. We may also do a speed round of collaborative story writing in preparation of our Write Now! event. Please RSVP if you’ll be there this Sunday at 3 p.m. at the north Bend Library Meeting Room, so that I may plan accordingly.

A few notes on our upcoming calendar….

July 24 is our next session. I need a substitute moderator, as I have to be out of town that day. If you’re interested in beefing up your “writing” resume with some workshop leadership, this is a great opportunity. We have a friendly group as you know, so take a shot. Let me know and we can strategize on what your session would look like. 

August sessions are unusual as well…. 

Our August 14 session will be replaced with our efforts at the Festival at Mount Si and our Write Now! event in the Arts Hall during that entire weekend (Aug. 12-14). So no work session will occur that Sunday (Aug. 14). But we will be writing! I need a total of 16 authors to commit at least one 2 hour and 15 minute timeslot during the festival hours. (FRIDAY 6 TO 9, SATURDAY 11 TO 7, SUNDAY 11 TO 4) Yours truly will kick us off, with Sheri Kennedy MC’ing the start on Friday. We also need help with set-up and tear down if you’re feeling shy. When we finish this collaborative story — we will publish it. Come get your publishing cred. Our first two literary journals did well and I expect that this project will do even better. Please Email me sooner than later if you want to be a part of this. It will be a great time, I promise. We also are in need of equipment for the event — primarily a projector that hooks up to a laptop. Depending on Si View’s ability to provide a wireless network, we may need some aircard donations as well. 

On August 28, the meeting room at the library will still be a staging area from the library’s book sale. We are plotting a social pot-luck gathering. If anyone is interested in hosting that or has a line on an inexpensive hall we could get, please let me know. This –SnoValley Writes! and its members — is your support network to help your writing become successful. Get to know each other.  This will be a great opportunity for this. Food, Fun, Writing Talk and more! I’m thinking I need to pull out the prize pack just because. If you want to help plan this with me, please let me know. 


Also of administrative nature, we will bid farewell to April LaLande. She is moving to the beautiful San Juans and has resigned her position as treasurer of the Board of Directors for SnoValley Writes! The Board is, therefore, looking for someone qualified to take her spot as chief money watcher and recordkeeper. If you’re interested, please let me know. The commitment is for one year, minimally. Of a social nature, we will bid her adieu. As I write this, I’m still trying to determine April’s availability to be in attendance at a farewell event for her. So, look for a separate email on that.


And now the most important reason why we are here…writing!

Today’s prompt involves a three-legged dog. (Three is the Magic Number) is our theme for our upcoming Word Jazz at Boxley’s in September. So, it’s time to start drafting a piece you’ll read before a packed house. 

“You see a three-legged dog…” Tell me a story about this dog or how you (or a character) interacts with that dog. Write a short story of no more than 1500 words or a poem or a one-act play. Get it together. Where did that 3-legged creature get to? What’s it doing? Why are you compelled to follow it? How did it lose its leg?


And now your moment of Writing Zen:

“Being a writer is like having homework every night for the rest of your life.” 
Lawrence Kasdan 

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink, 
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces 
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron